IN THIS PUBLICATION WE ARE GOING TO EXPOSE SOME OF THE FILMS THAT HAVE BEEN BASED ON BOOKS Next we will list 3 of the films that most caught our attention: "Macario" " Macario " is the book written by the author Bruno Traven which this film is based. The book was written in 1950. The name of the movie based on the literary work is the same that the book. This film was directed by Roberto Gavaldón, who had directed other famous mexican films like "El Gallo de Oro", "Flor de Mayo", "El Conde de Montecristo", etc. The movie was filmed in 1959 and protagonized by Ignacio López Tarso, that film had been nominated for an Oscar for the best foreign film. The main actors for the movie are: Macario. Felipa. God. Death. Devil. And we present you some actors from the movie. This is Macario... Macario is a poor person who cuts firewood to support his wife and eleven children. His biggest dream is to eat a big turkey by himself. His biggest fear ...